Azerbaijan International Mining Company (AIMC) believes that care for our people and the environment is an integral and vital part of our business.
AIMC is committed to conducting all of its activities, including exploration, operations and decommissioning, in a responsible manner that minimises risks to
the health and safety of personnel and protects the environment.
Hence, we are committed to:
- Providing a safe and healthy workplace, ensuring that our employees and contractors can perform their tasks safely, without accidents, injuries, or incidents.
- Protecting the environment by minimizing our impact on it.
- Integrating health, safety and environment considerations into our business planning.
- Complying with all applicable laws, regulations and international standards.
- Setting objectives and targets, monitoring and reviewing Health, Safety & Environment performance, including risk assessment.
- Undertaking constructive dialogue with the communities located near our operations as to public safety issues
To achieve these objectives, AIMC will establish Health, Safety and Environment standards at their operations and projects, and will continually implement,
as priorities, accident prevention, hazard control, environmental impact mitigation and employee training and involvement.
All AIMC managers in all areas of the business shall
- Ensure that all employees and contractors are properly trained, enabling them to work competently and safely in undertaking their tasks.
- Design mine and site facilities that safeguard the health and safety of all employees and contractors, prevent pollution, consider resources and energy, and reduce waste.
- Minimize the use of hazardous substances and materials wherever possible and utilize best practices.
- Promote a culture of communication, responsibility and involvement in Health, Safety and Environment.
All AIMC employees and contractors shall share the responsibility to:
- Work in a healthy and safe manner and take due care of the environment.
- Promptly report any incidents, accidents, unsafe practices or conditions that they witness.
- Actively participate in the support and promotion of Health, Safety and Environment in the workplace.
Our ultimate objective is to achieve best practice in our Health, Safety and Environment performance, placing the highest possible value on life,
health, well-being and protection of the environment.
Social Support
Apart from regional infrastructure development projects, AIMC also provides more local assistance projects as well. To improve the health of residents, AIMC covers medical expenses of residents, who require assistance. Every holiday, the Company provides over 130 food boxes to low-income families. Close to 20 children receive school supplies and uniforms each year. Also, to improve living conditions, AIMC provides construction material supply to residents. We are more than what we say, we try to create positive impact in the Community and hope.